Holistic Abdominal & Pelvic Therapies*

Offering solutions to alleviate internal abdominal & pelvic pain/symptoms of men & women, that physicians haven’t been able to find cause for, nor treat. These therapies provide a healing path that often enables people to avoid surgeries & prescription drugs.

Treatments, Education & Mentoring that Support Resolution of these Conditions
Benefits both men & women with:
- Fertility challenges
- Headaches & migraines
- Digestive disorders
- Low energy
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
- Chronic constipation
- low Backache
- Chronic indigestion or heartburn
- Gastritis
- Restricted breathing due to tension
- Crohn’s disease
Benefits women with:
- fertility challenges
- intestinal spasming
- painful periods
- post surgical recovery
- endometriosis/endometritis
- pcos
- fibroids
- Uterine Polyps
- organ prolapse
- heavy bleeding
- adenomyosis
Painful Intercourse
Uterine infections
- Frequent urination
Ovarian cysts
Hormonal imbalances
Difficult Pregnancy & Delivery
Weak newborns
premature deliveries
Difficult Menopause or peri-menopause
irregular periods
- Dark, thick fluids at the beginning & end of menses
- Blood Clots
No menstruation at all
Headaches/ Dizziness with menses
Varicose veins
Tired legs, numb feet sore heels
Lower back ache
Contraindications, Cautions, and Modifications
The Arvigo Maya Abdominal Therapies® offer a safe and effective process toward healing with few contraindications. There are some conditions where application of these techniques are either contraindicated or require modification. Please consult with your practitioner if you have any questions.
During active menstruation
IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception) is present
Immediately after abdominal surgery
Active infection or cancer present in pelvic area, or while undergoing chemotherapy
During the first trimester (19 weeks) of pregnancy (modification)
Hiatal Hernia (gentle massage required)
Active and acute infection
Abdominal Aneurysm
Diastasis Rectus
Pessary for uterine prolapse (remove prior to your session)
Any serious health condition that causes you concern

- Fertility Ideally, it is recommended to refrain from trying to conceive for three months while you are following the Maya Abdominal Therapy protocol. This gives your womb time to build optimal health to support conception and carrying to term. It is best to receive this work prior to receiving IUI or IVF treatments. Who knows? You may be able to conceive without these interventions! Please note that I do not schedule same day appointments. Please read this article on what to expect.
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies Women who are in fertility treatments will schedule between the time your last menstrual bleeding ended and prior to ovulation. Please note that I do not schedule same day appointments.
- Post Surgical Adhesions/Scar Tissue Maya Abdominal Therapy (ATMAT) softens adhesions (scar tissue) from surgeries or traumas to the pelvic and abdominal area, improving blood flow to the pelvic organs as well as the uterine lining, and often alleviates painful menstruation, aids digestion, and helps resolve urinary incontinence or other bladder issues that may have developed because of these adhesions. Often there is immediate improvement!
- Uterine Prolapse/Cystocele/Rectocele Maya Abdominal Therapy is helpful for stages 1-3 prolapse. If you have a stage 3 prolapse you will have to be especially committed to the protocol for optimal results. Experience shows that a commitment of 6 months focus on treatment is required.
- Preconception Support Supports health before conception, thereby improving pregnancy-related outcomes. Maya Abdominal Therapy and herbal preparations may help you balance and restore your moon cycles after use of birth control hormones or following a pregnancy by helping to regulate your periods and stimulating menstruation if you are not menstruating. It is part of an integrative healthcare model promoting healthier women, babies and families. Perinatal Education is offered, as well.
- Endometriosis Endometriosis takes time to resolve. A six-month commitment to the process is recommended. The manual therapy is essential, and is combined with nutritional, herbal and supplement support.
- Fibroids Fibroids generally grow slowly. A six-month commitment to the process is recommended. The manual therapy of this work is essential; nutritional, herbal and supplemental therapies will be recommended. If your fibroids are 10cm or smaller this approach may be helpful for you.
You have introduced me to my body and I am more aware now as how body and mind are connected/intertwined. The experience has been relaxing, joyous and peaceful. I also enjoyed and learned Maya Abdominal massage from you. I practice it on myself very often. You have been an excellent caregiver in its totality. You are so apt to your name Angel(a).Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there.
Shilpa S., Germantown, MD
What to Expect
While each session is unique in many ways, here is what you can expect in a session:
Comprehensive review of your personal health history and current health care needs.
Abdominal massage focused on aligning reproductive and abdominal organs
Evaluation and application of structural alignment of spine with attention to the sacrum, lumbar and thoracic spine.
Instruction in Self Care Home techniques to enhance your professional treatment session
Recommendations of complementary modalities:
Herbal remedies
Castor oil packs
Faja (organ support wrap)
Bajos (traditional vaginal steam bath of the Mayas – pronounced ba-hos)
Nutritional and or lifestyle education and adaptations
First, thank you for today. You truly are a gift in my life and I’m happy to have found you. I appreciate your baring with me. I feel wonderful since our appointment. Not 100% but as close as I’ve come since before I was pregnant. Surprisingly (to me anyway, although I’m sure maybe not to you), I’ve got a lot of fear around this. I was (and still am a little bit) fearful of losing this mostly pain-free existence. Anyway, I’m looking forward to doing more work with you. I think you are very good for me.
C.L., McLean, VA
To Read More Testimonials Click Here

Orienting to this work
This work is very personal. During this process, you will likely share relevant life experiences that have shaped who you are. It is my intention to create a safe space to hold these tender stories. Men and women often feel that these sessions are a sacred gift to themselves.
The sessions will synthesize the Maya work with the subtle, profound touch of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy* and . At times I work more physically with fascia and muscle, and at others, perhaps moments later, I work more subtly.
Biodynamic Pelvic Hydrotherapy is often recommended for many women’s reproductive health challenges. These services are available to add on to treatment sessions. or as stand alone services.
Teamwork required
The journey and process of healing will be empowering for you in the long run. You will begin to trust yourself more and more. Listening to and trusting your body will become second nature. Be patient and kind with yourself.
During our sessions, I will inquire about how you are doing, implementing the changes I have suggested. Journeying through the healing process will build your resilience, body and soul. It will teach you what you are capable of when you set your mind and heart to it.
That said, I can facilitate your healing, but I can’t heal you. The therapies and education I will share with you, in partnership with your efforts, will heal you. This takes conscious, focused intention.
Healing is a process. Most dis-eases have taken years to develop. It takes time to heal from the challenges you are experiencing, but you can heal. One session with me, while necessary to the process, will not heal you completely. For some, this may happen. But usually, the people I work with, need more tending.

This tending, in part, will come from our work together. But, the most important tending will come from you. You are the one who must make healing your priority. You are the one who will choose to take the time, invest money, purchase products, implement therapies at home, make time for appointments, and integrate all this into your lifestyle. I will guide and mentor you with all of this.
I can support you in various ways when you come for sessions, but your daily choices are yours. A lot must be done at home, and made a priority. By doing the practical, day to day actions requried, you will begin to heal.
Here are some of the requirements that healing requires:
- This healing process will require you to adopt a holistic lifestyle, specific to your challenges.
- You will need to be willing to give up habits and choices that have contributed to your health challenges.
- While you will likely feel some degree better immediately after treatment, healing takes sustained effort over time: at least 3 monthsand often longer.
To receive the benefits of Maya Abdominal Therapy, a commitment of 4 to 10 sessions is necessary, depending on the extent of the challenges you face, to achieve desired results. I recommend 3 to 6 follow-up sessions as necessary support for achieving your desired outcome.
Here is the Process
If you are coming from a distance you may wish to consider scheduling the intake session through Skype.
- In the first session we go over a comprehensive health intake form that is seven pages long. This can be done in person or through Skype. Resources will be shared with you that are relevant to your health challenge(s). 1.5 hour session.
- The second session requires that you come to my practice in Bethesda, Maryland to receive the treatment itself. If you are a menstruating woman, this will be scheduled during a time when you are not bleeding, nor 5 days before the expected onset of your next cycle. 1.5 hour session.
- At our third session I will teach you how to do the abdominal work on yourself, which also required your presence at my office. This will give you a valuable tool to use to support your healing process now, and which can be used for any challenges you may face in future. In this session we will also get a folder with recommendations & resources. We’ll go over comprehensive recommendations to support your deepening and continued process of healing and regaining optimal health. 2 hour session.
- This follow-up session is scheduled about a month out from your first treatment session. If you are a menstruating woman, this again will not be during your bleeding time, nor 5 days prior. The purpose is to assess progress, fine-tune treatment to orient to any shifts that have occurred up to this point and for you to receive a treatment. 1.5 hour session.
You’ll receive a total of six and a half hours of consultation and treatment time to give you a firm foundation to transform your health.
Many people like to continue treatments to receive additional support and guidance as their symptoms improve, and other aspects of their health become a priority.