Persephone’s Pelvis

A newsletter focused on Women’s Holistic Health.
Learn a little more about Persephone.

Dear Reader,

I hope you are navigating these tumultuous times resiliently, and have been able to enjoy a restful summer!

I am finding it challenging these days to navigate the many medical belief systems that my clients subscribe to. This is because I am also quite aware of how many treatments and remedies that aren’t pharmaceuticals, nor surgery, but have proven track records over millennia, have been censured.

The censuring will be increasing for at least over the next few months, as attempts to manipulate and shame us will ramp up, with the aim ensuring unquestioning compliance for experimental gene therapy, and more.

The following links will provide you with access to well grounded information about what it going on, why, and how you can take care of your health in a well-informed manner. You do have choices.

More below about taking care of yourself.

I share all of this with love for the Earth and my fellow humans.

Moxa Fanning Treatments

If you have received Maya Abdominal Therapy from me before, I am offering an opportunity to add this new remedy to 1 hr and 1.5 hr sessions with me. This add-on is free of charge, from now until October 15, 2024. Normally $75.

Moxa Fanning is A home remedy for cold conditions within the pelvis. Also can be understood as compromised circulation in the pelvis, in conditions such digestive, menstrual, and post surgical challenges.

Using Moxa in this way has been shown to have the same benefits as using far infrared light.

Treatment lasts a minimum half-hour. Moxa Fanning can be added to your session during the scheduling process as an “add-on”. The fee will show up in your cart. Please pay me at our session, so that you will not be charged for this service.

About MRI Scans
for Screening…

Suddenly, many of my clients who are in their 20’s have decided they need to have surgery.

There is a new, well-funded marketing campaign for MRI’s. I was interested to see another well-respected practitioner, Pam Popper, of Wellness Forum Health, share a video on the topic very recently.

I share it here so that you can have more comprehensive knowledge, before you make decisions regarding your health.