For Maya Abdominal Therapy Clients

For Maya Abdominal Therapy Clients

​ ​ Persephone’s Pelvis A newsletter focused on Women’s Holistic Health. Learn a little more about Persephone.​ Dear Reader, I hope you are navigating these tumultuous times resiliently, and have been able to enjoy a restful summer! I am finding it...
July 8th APPPAH Live! Podcast: Weaving Pre & Perinatal Education within Maya Abdominal Therapies

July 8th APPPAH Live! Podcast: Weaving Pre & Perinatal Education within Maya Abdominal Therapies

Dear Friends, For some, it has been a long time since you’ve heard from me. For others, our relationship is very new. I’ve realized recently, that this is the first summer I’ve been in my own place since 2019. The winds of change affect us all in...