Bring on the Moon! Lack of Menstruation: Amenorrhea


Restore Your Menstrual Cycle Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide

Experience the profound benefits of a healthy, pain-free menstrual cycle with our 39-page guide. Designed to help you restore your cycle naturally, this resource empowers you to achieve monthly menstruation with minimal discomfort, without relying on birth control prescriptions.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Harmonizing with Lunar Cycles: Align your menstrual cycle with natural rhythms.
  • Community Support: Build a supportive network for your health journey.
  • Manual Therapy & Pelvic Hydrotherapy: Techniques to enhance menstrual health.
  • Herbal Recipes & Dietary Tips: Natural remedies and nutritional guidance.
  • Dosage & Frequency: Effective use of recommended herbs and treatments.

Commit to this three-month process to reduce stress, adopt restorative practices, and reclaim your health and vitality. Embrace the tools and strategies to restore your menstrual cycle and gain greater control over your well-being.

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I think back now on how I felt after that first massage session (like blood was flowing to parts of my hips and legs that it hadn’t reached in a while) and I am convinced you woke up my uterus!

~S. C., Baltimore, MD

Why Restore Your Menstrual Bleeding?

Monthly, virtually painless menstruation is a basic indicator of health and vitality. Bleeding controlled by birth control prescriptions does not fall under this definition. In particular, if you want to use natural methods of birth control, and/or if you want to carry pregnancies to term, it is best to restore your bodies ability to menstruate virtually painlessly and monthly.

What You Need to Know About Restoring Your Cycle

Restoring you cycle will require you to change daily habits, and will require you to find ways of reducing stress levels. The process provides recommendations around managing stress, directions for giving yourself restorative treatments, will guide you in the choice of remedies to use, and strategies to implement to achieve your goals. Expect this process to take at least three months. Implementing the recommendations on a consistent basis is required.

How Can This Guide Help You Restore Your Cycle?

This guide will provide you with many ways to support restoring your cycle:

  • Guidance about harmonizing with lunar cycles
  • Guidance for finding and creating community support
  • Instruction on how to use manual therapies
  • Instruction on how to use pelvic hydrotherapy
  • Supportive herbal recipes
  • guidance on purchasing, dosage, frequency
  • dietary considerations
  • and more!

Restore Your Cycle & Restore Clarity

Thankfully there are many tools to support you with restoring your cycle. The greatest benefit will be restoring your health and vitality, and knowing you have become more empowered to have agency over your own health.

39 pages


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